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Posted via email from Home Of Knatchwa - Posterously Speaking
Posted by Knatchwa at 15:27 0 comments
Posted by Knatchwa at 16:30 0 comments
Annoying People, they are everywhere, your neighbours, your co-workers, it seems everywhere you go you will find at least one that just gets on your nerves. It seems that it is a fact of life that there will be some annoying people, so how can you improve your tolerance? This articles aim is to help you do just that, to improve your tolerance for annoying people.
Annoying people, they exist, how can you deal with them? Share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments down below.
Posted by Knatchwa at 14:04 0 comments
Posted via email from Home Of Knatchwa - Posterously Speaking
Posted by Knatchwa at 01:47 0 comments
Posted via email from Home Of Knatchwa - Posterously Speaking
Posted by Knatchwa at 00:30 0 comments
Posted by Knatchwa at 16:27 0 comments
A new editorial published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests that people who sit still for prolonged periods of time -- such as desk workers or couch potatoes -- have a higher risk of disease than those who move a muscle every now and then in a non-exercise manner, such as walking up the stairs to grab a cup of coffee.
Some interesting bits and pieces of information, of the world being connected, sometimes it is easier to sit for hours, but as mentioned in this article that may not be the best thing, the lesson in it's most simple terms is to take breaks, to take breathers and move more then just do a workout at your desk, though that is also important.
The idea becomes clearer when you consider simple things that are done consistently can make a difference as also suggested on the Minimalist Workout on Zen To Fitness on Twitter it is quite possible to do quite a few things in a minimal amount of time but need to do more then just exercises at the desk.
Posted by Knatchwa at 01:19 0 comments
Posted by Knatchwa at 16:47 0 comments
Posted by Knatchwa at 16:21 0 comments
Posted by Knatchwa at 16:23 0 comments
As I reside in the limbo between true forgiveness and painful hurt, I struggle with the tug-of-war between heart and head. I won’t seek revenge, but I am also not ready to forgive despite the realization that forgiving is precisely what I have to do to stop hurting. People don’t ask to be hurt, but the offended must be the ones to initiate the resolve.
Advice worth Taking to Heart, to grow through the pains of the past, of people lost and others hurt, this article is a great example of ways you can move forward, and through that understanding that things are going to get better, to reside in the present doing all you can for a better future tomorrow.
Posted by Knatchwa at 21:37 0 comments
Labels: Carpe Diem, growth, Love, progress
Posted via email from Home Of Knatchwa - Posterously Speaking
Posted by Knatchwa at 03:27 0 comments
To talk with strangers in the world today is not really any different then it has always been. We are a social species, we talk because it is the one thing to step outside the comfort zone, and the only way, that need can be fulfilled. Without talking to strangers or otherwise the perspective of life would change. The thing is we have this need because survival of a next generation would not come about if that first hello did not take place. A relationship must start with two individuals having a conversation and growing from there to a beginning from talking with a stranger. In the beginning the foundation for a relationship is set and once that base is down it grows from there. In time this same relationship on a solid foundation can become one which they become a couple from, and in that a next generation may be conceived. In that conception the cycle begins once again and these children must also then make friends from strangers.
Posted by Knatchwa at 15:39 0 comments
Labels: Friendship, Social-Media, Society
How powerful is Facebook - to reconnect with lost friends or colleagues? As the top social site according to 2009 numbers, does such a behemoth of a company also insure that the interface is intuitive enough to also make it easy to find the people you seek? Certainly Facebook would like you to think so and I am inclined to agree.
As even when growth was happening there was constant improvements and enhancements, as they topped 10 million, then 20 million and so on, they begin to better organize the design of their website, when they were reaching 100 million they had a system that seemed quite effective at helping other people find lost friends and colleagues.
Posted by Knatchwa at 15:37 0 comments
Labels: facebook, Social-Media
To Be Friends, Unite In The Objective, keep on keeping on. To love Another, open the eyes and the mind, beautiful!
I wonder how this will go, as this was a direct result of a night whereby I slept later then I should, the start of a new week and a new opportunity, today is the day, will you make it the best ever? Also what did you think of the SlideShow? Share your views in the comments down below.
Posted by Knatchwa at 04:46 0 comments
Back in 2008 | When I First Found Youtube | This Is What I Made
How exciting is that? To Watch it all the way through can you actually do it? There is some good information throughout the video but can you understand most of it?
I actually plan to put together a caption file or see if the new Transcription option, could work so that the words are not lost, as they tend to be when most of the video is at a very low tone.
What did you think of it, be honest | Easier to tell the Truth Then Lie | Share In Comments
Posted by Knatchwa at 04:37 0 comments
Posted by Knatchwa at 02:15 0 comments
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | [Blog post] Google | Green Energy | G! Energy? |
Date: | Fri, 8 Jan 2010 21:16:38 +0000 |
From: | Ubuntu101's Blog <no-reply@wordpress.com> |
To: | ubuntu101 at gmx dot com |
Google | Green Energy | G! Energy? |
For many traditional IT companies, the lure of energy efficiency efforts is two-fold: data center costs are becoming dominated by power use, so greater efficiency will both save them money and provide them with products and services that they can sell to other companies. These efforts also fall nicely in line with the goals of [...]
WordPress.com | Thanks for flying with WordPress! |
Posted via email from Home Of Knatchwa - Posterously Speaking
Posted by Knatchwa at 14:31 0 comments
Many cats are fed “free choice”, which means there is food available all the time and the cat eats whenever it wants. (Pretty unnatural for a true carnivore that evolved as a hunting machine!) Free choice feeding has probably been the biggest single factor contributing to feline obesity.
It is truly remarkable, how often such things are missed, that our pets are also affected by our own habits, by old ideas that no longer stand the test of time.
I had got to thinking about this, after watching Garfield (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0356634/), but more specifically because our cat Marcy was diagnosed as overweight, certainly she is a big cat; as you can see in the slideshow above. Yet even a big cat who is not as active as she should be, who follows the similar idea that we do, in living life lazily.
And apparently that is not so different today, over multiple breeds and cat households, whereby our own habits effect our pets just as they affect us, and our challenges with Obesity, in this Sedentary Life we have become accustomed too.
To make a difference, with this New Year 2010, why not set resolutions for your pets also? They have as much right as you do, to live their best life, and being overweight is not helpful, but doing more exercise, riding a bike, taking walks. More specifically with cats why not set time aside Monday through Sunday to play with them, give them a chance to get some exercise too. Just to be fair after you play why not take a walk, go for a bike ride, doing something that will begin a new habit, a new process of growth.
Read More On Pets: www.knatdecat.wordpress.com
Remembering those who have came before, who made a choice to ride a bike, even in New York, the reflections and experiences never expected to have, a journey by choice on two wheels through human locomotion.
My first tour was a direct result of what www.kenkifer.com had spoke about so long ago, little did I know of all the many people who have taken this choice of lifestyle to heart. I did not know James Langergaard, but his story is sadly familiar, as even Ken Kifer, who was killed by a drunk driver. It's a lifestyle choice, it has risks but at the very least James Langergaard will be remembered for what he has shared and may he rest in peace, as even though his physical body is no more, he speaks from his soul in this video.
Posted by Knatchwa at 02:41 0 comments
Labels: Bicycling with Knatchwa, Videos
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | [Writings on Love and It's Lessons] "Love Lost to Tradition ~ Lesson Learned" |
Date: | Mon, 27 Jul 2009 13:59:00 +0000 |
From: | WordPress.com <-----@-------------> |
To: | ubuntu101 at gmx dot com |
Comment:by Ranty Yustina Dewi @ rantyyustinadewi.wordpress.com
As Indonesian moslem girl, I'm truly sorry to hear about this. I always thought that every woman is an independent human being, that surely will make her able to make a stand, if not for what she believes in, at least for her self. Maybe she (the Indonesian girl you loved-or love?) must learn more about Islam. As loud as her father use Islam as his reason to make the arrangements, she must at least KNOW FOR SURE what her dad is talking about. As far as I know, every moslem must put high respect to their parents, including things that parents wants best for their children (at least that's what the parents thought). As sure as every religions have this universal rule, I believe that in some circumstances, children has to make their own mind. They grows, has interactions and they just has to make their own mind. Before children turns to 18 y.o, parents will take every responsibility for what happen to them. That's why all the religion education should be introduced in these ages, before they turn 18. When they turn 18, and more, every children has become the warrior of themselves (both Al-Qur'an and Paulo Coelho's Novel has these exact words-check them out if you like), meaning every decision the children will make will automatically put on their own shoulders to face by their own. Every single desicions. Every single consequences. If a father-by any means and reasons-raped his own daughter, should a daughter follow his says? If a father taught his daughter to steal, should I be his captive forever by saying yes to every command he tell me to? If a father told his daughter to marry someone she doesn't even know, should she do that? ---all I can say is: it happens. not little actually found their soulmates by a marriage arrangements. Seriously. But like you said before, just because it is, doesn't mean it has to. (Australia-the movie). Learn more, if you want to. read, ask, meet people you trust, level you knowledges about Islam with me. We will have a better conversation about Islam. ---but this? the arrangements marriage, is not Islam. Because, a passive model of woman only exist in the past, in Hollywood romantic movies, where she can only happy for some reasons, otherwise she'd rather die; where she can always hope and hope but do nothing to fight her own life, to gain her own true destiny; where she always said that she has no choices but to face what God given her with a big heart. ...somewhere, God is sighing, "me? y don't u use ur mind to fight ur own life?"... he he Seriously, these passive kind of woman, only exist in Fairy Tale. In Real Life, it's a matter of choices. You simply have to make your own stand, and choose. In the meantime, please understand, Islam is not how she projected to you at that time. You got the wrong impression from her. Good luck. Reference: Loves Lessons for 2009 & Beyond
Posted via email from Home Of Knatchwa - Posterously Speaking
Posted by Knatchwa at 12:40 0 comments
The first step towards success is taken when you refuse to be captive of the environment in which you first find yourself. ~Mark Caine
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Posted by Knatchwa at 13:10 0 comments
Posted via email from Home Of Knatchwa - Posterously Speaking
Posted by Knatchwa at 03:48 0 comments
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | Kung Fu Kitty |
Date: | Sat, 15 Dec 2007 21:22:23 GMT |
From: | Knatchwa <noreply@blogger.com> |
Posted via email from Home Of Knatchwa - Posterously Speaking
Posted by Knatchwa at 03:22 0 comments
A means to an end, to understand better the existence you know, to take the time to recognize there are deeper lessons in dreams.
"Adopt the Pace of Nature, her secret is patience." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Posted via email from Home Of Knatchwa - Posterously Speaking
Posted by Knatchwa at 13:56 0 comments
Make Goals realistic: In the past, I have always chosen huge macro changes that were frankly intimidating. This was a huge mistake. Once you understand what goals needs conquering, it's important to reduce them to their lowest level by defining the smaller elements. By chopping large tasks into a series of smaller ones, you will be encouraged to continue. As you complete each mini-task, your mental "yes I can do it" factor will rise exponentially. It is critical to keep positive motivation and reinforcement. By reducing obstacles to their lowest level, you will not be overwhelmed.
As I was thinking about it - I had some goals I put together for this new year ahead using Tomboy Notes (http://goo.gl/aEwo) , and I realized to break it down to it's most basic levels I should use the ability of Tomboy to Link to New Notes - Which would mean making each of my goals a separate note, so that in each I can understand the depth that is needed to really make those goals or those objectives, work for the new year ahead.
Posted by Knatchwa at 01:18 0 comments
Labels: Goals, Resolutions