
Writing using Paper & Pencil - Or Greener Options?

Just finished one more tablet full of information - the next choice is to go green and electronic or buy more tablets? Thoughts?

Some may say they rather the classic idea of a writer, who is using a tablet and a pencil to write out his thoughts to one day bring them all together, to write a book or a novel, a big that will last through the ages. 

In today's society though I wonder is it more important to make an attempt for a greener approach or continue the way I always have in the simple effort of writing out a sentence on a piece of paper instead of on a word processing screen, or a blog entry. 

Does it make sense to make that change, so that you and the person in the mirror can make a choice to do what is possible to help the environment be better for the next generation? In putting forth effort today, in the present to decrease your use of paper that was once a tree? What are your thoughts? Share them in the comments. 

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